Friday, 24 December 2010

Friendship is Never End

People says that a friend is everything for us, why people can say that? Many reason to answer that question. Every one to be certain need a friend because we can not live without help from our friend. I have story about true friend. This is real from my experience, I have many friend, in kindergarten and then In Elementary School, then Junior high school until Senior high school, I hope in University have many friend.
The story began at the kindergarten, in kindergarten I have group. And my teacher call my group with the name “Geng Boncel” Because the member from this group is small. In my group consist from 5 children, They are Tutus, Sony, Moris, Kharis, and me. Geng Boncel is very naughty, our hobby is disturb other students. But after us in elementary school, we never disturb other students again because we are so serious to studied and played game.
After we pass from elementary school and school in Islamic Junior High School 2 Kediri, I have new friends, but not only boy but also girl. We are in class A, (Arsela, Arek Sembilan A) But the tragedy happened in Nopember 2008, my seatmate Muhammad Fahrur Rozy was dead because an accident. My class is very sad and after this moments I don’t have close friends untill I pass from Junior high school. But Now I have  many close friend and like a family in Sains Five class at Islamic Senior Highschool 3 Kediri. My class called D’Cosmo, in this class, the feel like family and I can say that all of my friend in D’Cosmo is my true friend.
So we can conclude that all of people have true friends in their live, not boyfriend or girlfriend but the real friend who always acoompany us in good time or bad time. Friend is more expensive than gold, friend is more valuable than money. We can not buy a friend, the last word from me keep your friendship with your friend because friendship is never end.


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